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How to gain knowledge in Graphology?

1. Start with Foundational Books: Begin with books that provide an introduction to graphology. These should cover the fundamentals, introduce how to interpret various handwriting characteristics, and ideally, include exercises that allow you to practice analyzing handwriting.

2. Move to In-Depth Texts: After understanding the basics, you can advance to books that delve deeper into graphology. These will provide more comprehensive knowledge and explain more intricate aspects of handwriting analysis.

3. Explore Specialized Topics: There are books that focus on specific aspects or applications of graphology, such as using it for personnel selection in businesses, understanding personal relationships, or exploring its use in forensic science. These can offer a deeper understanding of how graphology is used in different fields.

4. Engage with Online Resources: Apart from books, there's a wealth of information available online. Websites dedicated to graphology, blogs by expert graphologists, online forums and communities, and digital courses can all offer valuable insights and learning opportunities.

5. Enroll in Courses or Workshops: For a structured approach to learning, consider enrolling in graphology courses or workshops. These will offer a step-by-step curriculum, learning from experienced professionals, and potentially a certification upon completion.

6. Practice Regularly: As with any skill, practice is crucial for improving your proficiency in graphology. Begin by analyzing handwriting samples from people you know, comparing your analysis with their known personality traits. Always remember to respect privacy and ask for consent when using someone's handwriting.

7. Join Professional Associations: Joining a professional graphology association can provide access to a community of like-minded individuals, resources, research, and news in the field of graphology. These associations exist in several countries and often offer memberships to individuals with a serious interest in the field.

Remember, learning graphology requires time, dedication, and a lot of practice. It's also crucial to keep an open mind but maintain healthy skepticism given the ongoing debates about the scientific validity and reliability of graphology.

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